Castangel of Kastengel : Cookies that Will Be Served In Every House During Eid Holidays

Castangel of Kastengel : Cookies that Will Be Served In Every House During Eid Holidays

Castangel or Kastengel is a type of cookies that is very popular in Indonesian society. The ingredients  are wheat flour, egss, and cheese which are mixed until forma dough.

Mostly, castangel is served in form of a cubical stick with 5 cm long, 1 cm wide, and 0.5-1 cm high with grated cheese as topping but there is also variant without the cheese.

Usually, Indonesians put a jar full of castangle on their desk in their living room.

The history of the cookies might come from an era where Dutch occupied Indonesia since 17th century. Its name allegedly comes from Dutch word "Kaas" that means "cheese". It is also known there is similar cookies named as kaasstengels or cheese stick in Dutch culinary culture with a length of 30 cm.

In Indonesia, this cookies will be served by almost all people during feast day, such as Eid Holidays for Moslem or Christmas but you may also find this cookies in bakery in normal day.