
Just another blog made by a person who has a bit too much spare time.

I am not a hero, famous man, or brilliant scientist but just an ordinary salary man living in one corner of earth.

Like also billions of other man in the world, I have a family. A pretty wife, at least I think she is, and a son, not as naughty as his father, accompany me and make my life not to be as mundane as I thought.

To avoid my life too ordinary and mundane, I decided to a bit a blogger.

The Mundane is just another blog I have made to share what I think, feel, and experience in the mundane life.

I am not sure I can give you something here. However, if you can find something useful, you can take it for your own. Free of charge, of course.

Being an administrator of this blog, I would like to welcome you in the story of a mundane life.

