Batik Day , The 2nd of October

Every 2nd of October, Indonesia celebrates a Batik Day. This is to honour what can be said as one of the most previous cultural heritage that represent the identity of the nation.

Batik is a name of tehnique of wax-resist printed cloth and the products made using this technique are also calles as Batik. So, this word can mean the technique, the fabrics, or also the garments.

During this day, most school or Indonesia's governemnt office as well as many non governmental offices requires their employees or staffs to wear Batik shirts.

Batik itself has been declared by UNESCO as the Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity since 2009.

So, if you come to Indonesia either on the date or the day after, then you may see many people wearing colorful and full of motif shirts or dresses. It will be best if you can join them by preparing a Batik shirt.