Keep It Simple Stupid

There are some words used in photography that I always remember. The words represent something that I can not agree more.

It sounds harsh and rude. However, photographers, pro or amateur, should always repeat those words before their pointing finger pushes the release button.

Simple background.

Simple object.

Simple color composition.

There is a reason by making all simple. The photos resulted tend to look better and more attractive.

You can take a look at the above picture, taken by old and cheap camera few days ago.

Not bad. Isn't it?

Outside photography, the words, the philosophy can be used also for daily life.

Human tends to make all things look sophisticated, difficult, and yet complicated. The basic and common reason for them to do this is simply because they want to look smarter by talking something in complicated way.

By talking something long and full of dificult to understand terms, they expect others to consider others to see them seriously and in admiration.

Unfortunately, as a result, they trap by themselves in many types of difficulties. Other will ask more and more from them. Whenever you can not meet their expectation  you will be damned to the deepest gorge. You will be disdained and condemned.

Since, I don't want my friends, family, and other people slaughter me like that, I prefer to make everything simple, as simple as possible.

I don't want to act like knowing everything. I will not act as if I am an expert on anything. I am just an ordinary person that have a mundane life.

By living this ordinary and mundane life, I can enjoy my life in full without having to adjust to other people's expectation. It makes my life more enjoyable.

I have more fun.

No questions are raised to me because they think that I am not capable to answer.

I have more time for me and my beloved ones, and of course doing what I like.

That's why the words, the philosophy, is always in my mind, either I am with a camera or without. I would like to make my life as simple as possible.