Don't Get Bored With Your Mundane Life, It can Be So Joyful

Do you get bored with your mundane life? Please, don't. It is too short and precious to be whined for.

Besides, by changing your angle, you can make it so joyful. Just open your heart, mind, ears, and eyes. Do not make a block that prevents them from seeing the world from another side.

Let them free.

I have been a commuter travelling daily from Bogor to my workplace in Jakarta. It is more than 50 kilometer per trip and per trip, it takes at least one and a half hour, if the train doesn't have problem, which unfortunately it happens quite often. It means each day I have to travel 100 kilometers and 3-4 hours on the road.

Not a nice. As also other commuter train services in the world, Indonesia's offers time efficiency but not convenience. Spaces are prepared and designed to carry as many passengers as possible. Seats are limited.

I have to stand during the trip. At least 3-4 hours a day I must stand.

This is my 27th year doing this, including the time whwn I studied in university.

So boring and mundane. Right?

Yes, it was.

I said it was. I meant it. 

I won't deny that repeating the same thing for more than 20 years sucks. Really sucks.

However, now, I think it looks more interesting. The reason is simply because I am now a blogger.

You may laugh at me, and I will nod in understanding mode.

Yeah, it is not like having something fantastic like sport cars, adventurous journey to somewhere out there but it provides me something similar.

During my boring trip to office, I don't stare with a blank look to nothing through a train window anymore. I am quute busy, either to find an object for the camera inside my cheap Samsung Galaxy tab or to write an article, like I am doing now.

I enjoy it. A lot.

I never knew that such almost meaningless activity, for most of people, can present me such joyful feeling. The ordinary and boring environment inside the train affects me no longer. I am too absorbed into something I like, writing.

I will never find a solution to get out from the boredom of my routine if I didn't decide to be a blogger. The trip to office could be more and more stressing me, should I not buy the tab. 

The actions are really small steps but for me they give me a lot of things to escape from the feeling of being trapped in a boredom situatio .

How about you?