Should I Write in Indonesian Or English? Of Course, Both
Should I write in Indonesian or English? It is a question that is often asked by newbies in Indonesia blogosphere since my first joining it. The same question has repeatedly been asked again and again.
There are quite understandable reasons for them asking such question so many times. Most of Indonesian bloggers blogs mostly for money. They have been encouraged by many success stories of people, either locals or overseas, gaining thousands of dollar from blogging.
However, later on, they found out that writing in Indonesia looks awful. Adsense, the most popular advertiser among Indonesian bloggers provides only very low Cost per Click. This fact has caused them to think more about the worthiness of their blogging activities.
It needs to have ten thousands of unique visitors to enable a blogger to get an income equal to a cup of Starbuck's coffee each day. This is something that makes blogging in their own language seems less attractive.
Unfortunately, very few Indonesian bloggers have a capability of producing good writings in English. This Queen Elizabeth's language, although becomes more and more popular these days, is still not often used in our daily life. Indonesians are not accustomed in writing in English.
Many of them have tried to break the language barrier by using the Google Translate, or other translation tool. Usually, they take their Indonesian version of an article and use the tool to translate. Unluckily, the translation tool, including Google Translate is still a long way from perfection. It may need another decade to be able to replace the skill of translator in Indonesia.
Some keep trying to use this way for their blogs. However, as a result, and as predicted, their blogs failed . It doesn't mean their blogs can not attract readers, they can. However, after one or two visit to the blogs, most visitors don't return. Their broken English is the culprit. Nobody wants to read articles full of grammatically incorrect sentence and the usage of uncommon terms.
Many finally gave up.
That is the reason why there are only small numbers of Indonesian English written blogs can be found on internet. Very few.
Logicaly correct choice as they can not compete with bloggers coming from English speaking countries, such as Singapore, USA, or UK. It is a waste of time for writing something that has nobody want to read or just to cause a great annoyance to readers.
However, some of them are too stubborn.
Several keep doing this because they have fluency in English language. The others may do this because they don't know the meaning of "give up".
I am included into the last category.
It is realized fully and consciously that my English is far from good, a broken type one. However, I believe about learning by doing method. The more you do the more you get.
By writing more and more in English, I believe my skill of English writing will be improved, and honestly it is.
It is understood well by me one fact. It is unlikely I will become a notable blogger for writing in English. As a result, I may not also gain financial benefit from blogging in English. It is not expected that readers from overseas are attracted by a blog full of broken English article.
However, money doesn't mean eevrything. It is not because I am rich, as I am just a salaryman but it is more to the facts that the benefit that I get is the improved skill of my English. Furthermore, I know that readers may get irritated when they read my writings due to spelling mistakes or gramatical errors but at least, they will also get some information that can be useful.
So, if the question is asked to me, "should I write in Indonesian or English?" I will answer it by saying "both". Indonesia is a big country that has steadily grown year by year.
Perhaps, today, what Adsense pays to blogger is only a dime per click, but for sure it will change in future. Once Indonesia's economy reaches the level of developed countries, I believe more advertisers will enter the market and the more competition in online advertisement business. This can bring the CPC for Indonesian publisher raised. So, I will keep optimistic .
An English blog, well, let's be a gambler. A general blog full of mistakes may not sound interesting for anybody, the chance to be a successful blog is only 1%. However, I decided to take this 1% chance. It is better than zero if I stop writing in English.
Therefore, "The Mundane" will keep moving forward, evern if there is no one wants to read.