Does Providing Three Types of Trash Bin In Public Area Have A Meaning For Indonesia ?
Green means "organic:. Yellow is for non-organic. Red is for poisonous trash. Well, it is easy to understand what type of waste or garbage for each trash bin. The government has done their job wonderfully to ensure even children under 10 know what type of garbage must be put into them.
Well done. From this point of view, Indonesia has moved a step ahead in developing environment-friendly attitude. Those kind of garbage containers can easily found at almost all corners of public area in Indonesia. The government should have spent a lot of money.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop me from having a bad thought inside my brain that those three types of trash bins are useless and quite a waste of money. It is not because the intention behind the providing of the trash bins is not understood. The reason is because, as Indonesian from born, I understand that
1) The trash/garbage will be trucked to the waste management location using the same truck without separator to make sure organic, non-organic trash won't be mixed. This means, even though people follow the instruction to separate what they throw to each trash bin, the trash will be surely mixed again inside the transporting vehicle
2) Most of Indonesia waste management system is sanitary landfill type ones. Therefore, the garbage will not go through another process to minimize their effect to environment.
The reason behind the idea to separate garbage people dispose everyday is to let 3R system (Re-use, Reduce, Recycle) run. They also help to make the further step easier, organic can be changed into fertilizer, non-organic garbage like plastic can be recycled, and poisonous waste can be handled correctly.
It doesn't have a meaning when finally, all three types of garbabe are mixed again during transportation or in final destination.
The three types of public area trash bin lose their meaning because the next process are not there yet/. They act no more than street or public area ornaments.
The only positive thing that probably by having those organic,non-organic, poisonous trash bin in public area, the consciousness of Indonesian about environment can be improved, a bit.
Well, yeah. At least, there is still a function. I am wrong in this case, the trash bins still have a meaning.