The Controversial Dogfruit : Delicious But Smelly

Its name is quite cool in English, dogfruit but in Indonesian, the name of the bean of pea family is a bit contrified, Jengkol. Perhaps, because of its name, sometimes people who like to eat the bean is considered as countrified as well.

The bean is quite controversial, similar to Durian or duren. It can be delicious, especially if the cook can process it correctly. However, whoever who eat dogfruit tend to leave trails wherever they go in form of smelly urine.

How smelly? it depends on how much someone consumes and also whether or not the cook prepare it in correct way.

Indonesians are known to be fond of culinaries made from dogfruits. The bean can be made into famous "rendang jengkol" many other types of dishes.

Unfortunately, due to an acid contained by the bean, it is suggested to limit the number of dogfruits eaten. Even though, it is not a cyanide like poison, but it is still an acid, mild toxic.

Someone who eats too many dogfruits, in any form may suffer difficulty to urinate. This is called as jenkolism.