The Motorcycle Country
Indonesia has a population approximately 250 millions, including children. If we use an assumption that a family consists of parents, 2 person, and one child, there are around 85 millions families.
Huge number.
However, there is another population in Indonesia that has similar figure to its people number, motorcycles.
Until 2015, it was recorded that the motorcycle population in Indonesia reached a staggering number of 86.0000.000. The figure is more or less the same as the number of families in this country.
It is more than 30 times of Singapore population. If Indonesia motorcycles can talk, probably they will propose for independence and make their own country, a motorcycle country.
This means every family has one motorcycle in average.
With yearly growth of more than 6 millions motorbike are produced, it won't take long before the figure exceeds 100 millions as there is no age limitation of vehicles in Indonesia.
Crazy thought after more than two hours waiting in police station to extend my wife's riding license. During which, I can only sit and see thousands motorcycle filling in every inch of street in front of the station.