Bogor, The Most Jammed City in Indonesia
Bogor is a name of the city located 60 kilometer southern Indonesia Capital, Jakarta. The city has just been awarded by Waze , the traffic and navigation application company, an award as one of the most jammed city in the world.
The city has been ranked the second on the list of the most jammed cities around the world. The city, nicknamed as the Rain City, are one of the four Indonesia cities that are mentioned on the list as cities that can grant you a very unpleasant experience on their roads.
This is the second time some cities in Indonesia are included into the list. The last year list had also at least 3 cities of Indonesia, Bogor was the one. At that time, the city got the 9th position and the 3rd among Indonesian's.
This year, Bogor has gained one of the two top spots. This shows how bad traffic situation inside the city. The survey should show that the condition has worsened compared to the previous year.
This should cause no wonder for people who lives there.
Bogor is a medium city with only 118 kilometer squares. It only has around 600 kilometers of road with the growth of the length only 0.1% a year. Meantime, there are more than 1 million people live in the city and the number keep growing rapidly.
The economy of majority of the population is more to medium class level as many of Bogorians earn a living in the capital, Jakarta. Compared to the average amount of money earned by Indonesians, Bogorians have more better income per capita. This fact conrtibutes to the rapidly growing numbers of vehicles owned by Bogorians. The factsheet shows that the percentage of vehcles owners in the city raise more than 13% every year and this mean 40,000 new vehicles will be added annually.
The Rain city is known also for their tourist destinations. Every year, more than 4 millions tourist vsiiting various tourist areas in the city. Weekly, there are more than 120,000 vehicles added into the already crowded roads.
So, it doesn't make me wonder if now Bogor, the city where I have been living in since 1978 has been awarded the title by Waze. This was not the first time because in 2014, Indonesia Transportation Department titled Bogor as the most jammed city of 2014. In 2015, Waze ranked the city as the 9th city that provide very bad experience for drivers or riders.
This year, the city gets the 2nd ranking in the world.
It is likely, two or three years from now, the city may get the top spot of most jammed city in the world. If there is no action taken by the government, it's very possible, this year title holder, Cebu, Philliphines will be forced from their reign as the city with the most jammed traffic in the world.