I Don't Know Anymore The Function of Pavement
Frankly speaking, I don't know anymore what is the function of pavement, or sidewalk.
I used to understand it quite well, especially in my school time. My teachers taught me that it is the place where pedestrians can walk. That is why another name of pavement is pedestrian walk.
Unfortunately, what I see in reality is on contrary with the theory learned.
I found , still find and, very likely, will still find that it is no longer as what Merriam Webster dictionary says.
In my country, Indonesia, it is normal and common that sidewalk is used as parking lots for cars or motorcycles. Many times it leaves no space for pedestrians to walk.
What makes me think the meaning of the word has changed ia the fact that police officers, who has the right to fine the perpetrators do not do anything.
Yes, they tow cars that park on the roadside but never give tickets to them who place their cars on sidewalks.
This happens in almost all cities in Indonesia.
This made me think that the definition of a word pavement or sidewalk has been changed without my knowing. However, when I checked several dictionaries, hard copy or online versions, I didn't find any change.
Definitely, I am sure my eyes are still good enough and my English is not that bad for not to see any changes.
Or, probably, Indonesians have issued their own version of English-Indonesian dictionary. If you know, and have a copy of it, can you do me a favour to let me know.
I would be grateful and am more than willing to buy the version.