A Teacher Punched By A Father For Slapping His Son

A teacher in Makassar, South Sulawesi was punched by his student's father recently.

The case has been viral on Indonesia social media world and widely reported by many mass media.

Pros and cons immediately follow.

The reason behind the story was started when the teacher, a male, slapped a student for being disobedient. The student without permission from him went in and out the class during the lesson.

The teacher reproved him for his action.

Unfortunately, the student reacted by throwing out dirty words.

Unable to control his emotion getting such response, the teacher "slapped" the body of the student.

His action for giving a soft slap to the student was reported to the father, who then angrily came to the school. When he found the teacher, he threw his punch and the student did too.

As a result, the teacher needed to be brought to hospital for the broken nose and other injuries. The perpetrators were later arrested by police.

The news has followed similar occurrence happened not too long before.

In another case, a teacher had been trialed for pinching his student.


The usage of physical approach to give punishment on students have been widely done in many educational institution in Indonesia.

The practice were started long time ago back to 1960-1970's.

Hitting students' hand with wood ruler or rattan are quite common ways used by teachers to discipline students.

However, in early years of 21st century, Indonesia issued several laws top confine phisical punishment on students.

Unfortunately, many people, usually from earlier generation still think that to slap or hit or pinch pupils are still considered normal ways to inflict the spirit of discipline. The custom is still used by many teachers from old generation.